Azienda Agricola Quercecchio Winery | Premium Wine Selection
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The Quercecchio estate is located in Montalcino in the Province of Siena, one of the Tuscany’s most famous areas renowned for the beauty of its art and nature and its extraordinary fine wines:  Brunello di Montalcino DOCG and Rosso di Montalcino DOC. Its 150 hectares includes woods, open pastures, cultivated fields, olive groves and vineyards.

The estate has been the property of the Salvioni family  for five generations now, and Maria Grazia Salvioni has directed her efforts to the growing and making of fine wines, which she personally oversees.

The vineyards are located at 320 m above sea level  south of the town of Montalcino, on land that  slopes downwards towards the Maremma area.

The ideal composition of the terrain (clayey and sandy) and highly favourable micro-climate results in high quality grapes perfect for making the full-bodied Brunello di Montalcino.  The altitude, position and characteristics of the soil all combine to ensure that the grapes reach full maturity with all of the complex aromas they then give to the wine.

The Quercecchio estate has 16 hectares of vineyards, half of which are dedicated to the production of Brunello di Montalcino wine.  In the other half grows grapes for other local DOC and IGT wines.  The estate also has 10 hectares of olive groves with various olives varietals: Leccino, Olivastro and Moraiolo.

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